Web to Worldbuilding

A decade long journey in software development

Discipline. Passion.

Over a long career, of website management, building, and game development one thing remains true: A never ending goal of being a better programmer today then I was yesterday.

Professionally engaged in web development for over a decade. Proficient in PHP, MySQL, CSS, Node, Vue, Laravel, SOLID principals, Clean readable maintainable code, Common design patterns, and more.

Developed open source tutorials and shared code to many. https://github.com/beagle204/gamemakerdebugger/blob/main/debugging/debugging.gml

Built fun and engaging video games, and self published them for all to play.

A journey of a hundred steps

I’ve rounded out my career in several ways that highlight flexibility, adaptability, and change.

Mentoring juniors

  • Collaborate with fellow programmers
  • Teach fundamentals
  • Learn from them and build new experiences with them.

Building games

  • A change in how to approach problems.
  • Digging deep into memory management.
  • Tackling new problems like 3D modeling and Pixel Art.

Thank you for viewing this website, If you would like to reach out to me, email me at oleskimark@gmail.com

Follow more at BeagleNorth Games

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